Down in the valley, carved on the rock. 3 little words forget me not u met me as a strangre, i took u as a friend lets hope we make a frienship i heaven where frndship nevre ends
Friends is the heaviest coin in the international Bank of Relations & with your Friendship I"m the richest person on Earth. May this last forever.'.....
Frndship is like a clap it make sound great when we clap with two hands and frndship is strong when two person can understand each orther,and that two person are u and me ... thanks for being my frnd.....
We smile at whom we like, we cry for whom we care, we laugh with whom we enjoy & we become angry with whom we feel is our own. That's Friendship, that's Love
Softly, the leaves of mem'ry fall, slowly i'll gather & pick them all, Coz 2day, 2morrow & till my life is thru, I'll always cherish knowing a *person like u* !!