10qualities a friend must have: cute as crocodile. smart as donkey. active as turtle. fit as hippo. matured as monkey. sincerity like dog. no doubt you are my good friend
Mar, 09 2012
171 chars (2 sms)
What is a friend? She looks out for you, inspires you, laughs with you, cries with you, understands you, guides you and walks with you. That’s what a friend is.You.
I Dont Ask More From The World.But Juzt a Friend.My Life Seems 2 Be Nothing,But Juzt a Dead Rose.Which Needs Sum1 2 Make it alive.I C That Friend in You.Can u Be The 1??
Court order! U r accused of crawling into my heart n hijacking my smile with ur cute sms. How do u plead? Guilty! U’re sentenced to b my friend 4 life. Sorry no bail.