2 aspects of life

2 aspects of life
2 aspects of life:If v become too Sentimental, its too Hard to Lead Life & if v become too Practical,its too tough to Respect Relations…!GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     144 chars (1 sms)     835 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Keep the smile, leave the tear,Think of joy, forget the fear...Hold the laugh, leave the pain,Be joyous dear till we meet again..GM
Our life begins with our cry,Our life ends with others cry,so try to utilize this gap in laugh as much as possible...Gm.
Open ur tinky minky eyes, stand up and strech ur crunchy prunchy bonz and then wake up yourself, tell your brain to refresh and tell your self 2days is GOOD DAY Good Morning
Have an Icy day with Buttering Messages, Chocolaty Calls, Creamy Thoughts, Fruity funs with Plumpy Play and Jumpy Joys... "GOOD MORNING".
May God stay with you this day, and give you peace of mind…May He give you a happy heart, and His love all the time…GOOD MORNING and GOD BLESS!!!
Evry succesful person hs a painful story.Evry painful story hs a Succesful ending.So Accept d pain, & get ready 4 Success.gud mrng
U're on top of some situation & it may come as a shock 2 othrs. That doesnt mean u can just coast - Build on ur success! Gud morning
When you are lazy, you cannot help it. When you are tired, that is your own fault.GM
There is no road in the world that goes to 'Happiness'... But 'Happiness' itself is the only way which goes anywere in the world...!!!G'Mrng.
I Know Still Ur Lazy Hands r Tryng 2 Pick d Cell & Ur Cute Half Opend Eyes r Trying 2 Read the Msg My Cute frnd Lazy dear frnd,Its Time2 WakeUp!GUD MORNING
Not all angels have wings some have cell phones too. Thats why your angel is txting you right now greeting you “HELLO” and wishing you to be safe all the time
Never be sad 4missing whatever u expectd!But, be happy 4 dat! Bcoz god has planned 2 giv anothr 1,better dan u expected!.GM