An Early Morning Greeting Doesn't Only Mean "GOOD MORNING", It has a Silent Message Saying "U R MY FIRST THOUGHT OF THE DAY"... "Good-Morning" HV A NICE DAY.
Let the most butiful dream cum 2u 2nite, Let the sweetest person cum in ur dream 2nite, but don’t make it a habit bcoz I wont b able 2 cum daily.. Gud MRNG
We live in our dreams, but dreams may die, don’t get shattered, never ever cry, the world is big & has lots to give, pick up a new dream, that's the way to live.GM
God knows your future. He may not reveal it to you, but he will walk with you and the future unfolds. Don't trust the stars, trust the ONE who made them.G'Mrng
Leave something for someone but never leave someone for something becuz..... in life something will leave you but someone will always be with you .Good morning
Wishing you 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of fun, 365 days of success, 8760 hours of good health, 525600 minutes of good luck & 31536000 seconds of Joy mrng