G-Get upO-

G-Get upO-
G-Get upO-Open ur eyesO-Out of ur bedD-Day has risenM-Mobile beepsO-One msg receivdR-Read & njoyN-Never mindI- It's just aN-New way 2 wishG-GuDmornig

Jan, 16 2012     149 chars (1 sms)     1110 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Its Possibl bt its Difficult" Th Winner says "Its Difficult bt its Possibl" Alwys Think lik Winner. Its d spirit.GM
A sweeter smile. A brighter day. Hope everything turns out great for you today. Good morning and enjoy your day.
I can appreciate coffee without cream, overtime without pay, nights without lights, meals without rice, hamburger without cheese, but never a whole day without greeting you.
God’s blessings come as a surprise but how much you receive depends on how much your heart believes. may you be blessed beyond expectations. good morning!
What is the secret of success? "Right Decisions" How do you make right decisions? "Experience" How do you get experience? "Wrong Decisions" =)gd mrng
Keypad locked press unlock & then * Now press * Keypad active 1 message received opening Message "GUD MORNG FRiND
God givs evry bird its food,bt he doesnt throw it 2 its nest."DefeAt is nt wen u fAl down,its wen u refuse 2 get up"Gud MRNG
'G' god'O' offer us'O' outstanding'D' Devotion to'M' make us'O' obedient &'R' ready for'N' new day to'I' initiate'N' new aim for the'G' glory of life..HAVE A NICE DAY
If a drop of water falls in a lake, its identity is over. If it falls on a lotusleaf, it shines like a pearl. The Drop is the same, its the COMPANY that matters Gd mrng
The Hard Reality Of Life Is- When U Need Advice,Every1 Is Ready To Help U But When U Need Help,Every1 tries To Advice U.Dats life..GM
New Morning + New Aim + New Achievement + UR Dedication + Committment = SUCCESS Just TRY it & Win the Day! Good Morning & Have a Great day!
People who drink to drown their sorrows should be told that sorrows know how to swim.gd mrng