Relationship doesnt get

Relationship doesnt get
Relationship doesnt get closer by meetngs, but it is sweetend by THOUGHTS. I care 4 u in my own STRANGE ways. Maybe u'll never know, Perhaps I'll nvr show.

Jan, 16 2012     155 chars (1 sms)     1001 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Wenevr You Lie Or Cheat d Person Who Likes U, Don't Think Dey R Fools 2Believe U,Dey Hide Deir Feelgz Bcoz Dey Don't Like To Disapoint U..GM
success and excuses do not talk together,if you want excuses forget abt success and if you want success dont give mrng
She's HOT.! She's swt.! She's refreshing.! she alwz needs a lip kiss.! who's she? guess guess she's 'TEA' chaay piyo mast jiyo.gudmrning
The value of life does not depend on the length of time on this Earth but rather on the amount of love given and shared to the people we care mrng
CHEER up and REJOICE Coz every new day brings new Life.... new blessings.... new hope! Have a nice day! GUD-MORNING!
The Hard Reality Of Life Is- When U Need Advice,Every1 Is Ready To Help U But When U Need Help,Every1 tries To Advice U.Dats life..GM
Searching for me... Luk towards ur left ... Did'nt found me.. luk towards ur right ... Still can't find now Luk into ur HEART... *Good*Morning*
sometimes ur luck is not with u,smtimes ur expectations r fail,just go and say to ur friend & pray to god he will make ur badluck in to gudluck.because god always loves mrng
A lot of things go unquestioned, Lot of question go unanswered. A few words go unsaid, Few go unheard. Some dreams r buried alive, Some r born dead. That’s life !!!gd mrng
Thought:A moment of patience in a moment of anger can help you avoid a thousand moments of sorrow..Good Morning!Have a wonderful day
Attention Please!Passengers In Sweet Dream Airlines R Requested To Open Their Eyes,The Flight Is Landing At Beautiful Day! "GOOD MORNING"
"Share all you have with the needy so that no one feels deprived and neglected.GD MRNG