I Dont Ask

I Dont Ask
I Dont Ask More From The World.But Juzt a Friend.My Life Seems 2 Be Nothing,But Juzt a Dead Rose.Which Needs Sum1 2 Make it alive.I C That Friend in You.Can u Be The 1??

Jan, 13 2012     169 chars (2 sms)     824 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Never try alone to take the weight of a tear that comes out of Ur heart & falls through Ur eyes, always remember a Friend is here to share..
Love Is like personal dairy Only One Person Can read it... But, Friendship Is library book.. Every 0ne Can read it.. That's Friendship.
Be what u r, say what u feel and do what u want. Bcoz in frndship, Those who mind,don't matter and Those who matter,don't mind.
Gunah karke saza se darte hai, zahar pikar dawa se darte hai, dushmano ke sitam ka khauff nahi, hum to dosto k khafa hone se darte hai...
Love………… is not only made for lovers……. Its also for friends who luv each other sometimes better than a lover Smile and spread some love today.
'VACANCY' POST Tru frnd, ELIGBILITY:Lovin &Carin. XPRIENCE Not reqd DUTY SMS daily. SALRY: Nvr endin frndshp & care. 2JOIN: Misd call imediatly....
Friendship is big like UNIVERS,Deep like OCEAN,High like SKY,Strong like ROCK,Kind like MOTHER,Cute like ME and sweet like U....
A frnd scolds like dad,cares like mom,teases like sis,irritates like bro,luvs like sweetheart. FRNSHIP The blend of all relations.
I always felt that the great high privilege, relief and comfort of friendship was that one had to explain nothing.
The worst part of life is missing a friend ! And you know what is The best part of life-it is having a friend worth missing!
If u ask me for how long i’ll be ur friend? My answer will be i don’t know. Coz i really don’t know which is longer, forever or always!
The best things in life can never be kept; They must be given away. A Smile A Kiss and Love.. *Thank u all 4 great support.