I Dont Ask More From The World.But Juzt a Friend.My Life Seems 2 Be Nothing,But Juzt a Dead Rose.Which Needs Sum1 2 Make it alive.I C That Friend in You.Can u Be The 1??
Friendship is not something that happens at first sight, it happens when you start knowing each other and in turn endup needing each other. for every feeling, for every thought and for every moment
True friends see you true, believe in things u wanna do, feel glad when ur dreams come true, best of all they don't judge, they simply love u coz you r you.
Down in the valley, carved on the rock. 3 little words forget me not u met me as a strangre, i took u as a friend lets hope we make a frienship i heaven where frndship nevre ends
Ur voice is MELODY,ur nature is KISMIBAR,Ur behaviour is COFFEEBITE,Ur Feeling is KITKAT,Ur mind is MUNCH,Ur heart is ECLAIRS,U r totally 5 STAR....!!!
"Those are the same stars, and that is the same moon, that look down upon your brothers and sisters, and which they see as they look up to them, though they are ever so far away from us, and each other."
There r times i find my hands full of frenz...i wnt2 hold thm hard as i fear losing them.I laugh whn i realiz dat they r d ones holdin me. . . Thanks 4bein1..