No life ever grows

No life ever grows
No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, and disciplined. But no life is ever happy until it is lived for the glory of God.GM

Jan, 16 2012     141 chars (1 sms)     836 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

CHEER up and REJOICE Coz every new day brings new Life.... new blessings.... new hope! Have a nice day! GUD-MORNING!
Arguments throw Heat on the Subject.While Discusions throw Light.Arguments show who is right.While Discussions show what is right.G'Mrng
Search 4 truth and you shall find beauty, Search 4 beauty and you shall find love, Search for love and you shall find God, Search fo r God and you shall have them mrng
The beauty of Life is some what like this: Just when we get all the answers of life.. Life changes the question!GD MRNG
Easily achieved things does not stay longer"&"Things which stay for a long time r not easily achieved"gud morning
Every tear is a sign of weakness…Every silence is a sign of loneliness…Every SMS is a sign of remembrance..Gd mrng
Most luvable line:It brks ur hrt 2 c d 1 u luv Is happy wid sum1 else,bt its more painful 2 knw tht d 1 u luv is unhappy wid u.gud mrng.
Life is a "XXX"Yesterday is a Xperience,2day is a Xperiment,2morow is Xpectation..So Use ur Xperience In ur Xperiment to Achieve ur Xpectation.GM
Every moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before and which u'll never see again. So enjoy n live life & make each moment beautiful. Gd mrng
Golden thought. - expectin much from whom u feel ur own is not a mistake provided d one from whom u expect also thinks u as der own.GD MRNG
Never blame any day in ur life.Gud days give u'happines'Bad days give u'experience' nWorst days give u a 'lesson.'All r essential for 'LIFE...Hav a nice day
Difficult to tell what Loving is like. Impossible 2 tell wat Missing is like. May u never Miss whom u Love,& may whom u Love Miss you always..G d morning.