Forget things that

Forget things that
Forget things that make u sad,And remembr those made u Glad,Forget Trouble that passed away,And remembr Blessings dat Come each day...G'mrng...

Jan, 16 2012     143 chars (1 sms)     799 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Thought:A moment of patience in a moment of anger can help you avoid a thousand moments of sorrow..Good Morning!Have a wonderful day
(G)od(O)ffers us(O)utstanding(D)evotion 2(M)ake us(O)bedient &(R)eady 4(N)ew day 2(I)nitiate(N)ew Aim 4 the(G)lory of Life.GD MG.
"We are all driven by the quest for joy. Behind all our plans, actions, expectations, lies this perennial thirst for joy.GM
Two Aspectz Of LIFE :- 1) If v Bcum Too Sentimental, Itz Too Hard 2 Lead Life & 2) If v Bcum Too Practical, Itz Too Tugh To Rspct Reltns…GM
I have known the pain of failure, frutration , disappointment, defeat! Because I have taken a chane on Winning, Succeeding, Achieving! It takes a lot of the the first to get some of the second."HAVE A GREAT DAY AHEAD!!
Never b sad if someone dsnt recognize ur worth. its their loss n ur gain coz people who dont appreciate ur true worth donot deserve to know u.
Victory always starts in the head..It is a state of mind..It then spreads with such radiance n affirmation tht destiny can do nothing but obey.GMrng!
A Wellwisher is nvr measured by the no. of times he made you laugh..Bt By d no. f times he made u smile aftr u cried...!
U dont know how high U can fly untill U give a real good try. Just do your best in each try. May b the sky will have to shift little higher.Hv a fantastic day.
"The Man Who Is Always Smiling Doesn't Mean That He Has No Problem.But The Smile Shows That He Has The Ability To Overcome All The Prblms." Good morning
Its Not Important 2 Hold All D Gud Cards In Life..But Its Important How Gud u Play With D Cards Which U Hold.GM
To win someone's heart is easy.To Break someone's heart is very simple. But to RE-WIN someone's broken heart is next to impossible....GM