pray 4 yr life

pray 4 yr life
pray 4 yr life that u truly deserve. A life as gud as yr heart. A life as bright as yr smile. And life as wonderful as you are.GM

Jan, 16 2012     129 chars (1 sms)     862 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Morning greetings does not only mean saying Good Morning, it has a silent message saying- I remember you when I wake up! Have a nice day!Gud mrng
Rose is famous for grace!Advocate is famousfor Case!Horses are famousfor Race!But ur smile is famous on ur Face.!Gud Nite
When You Speak From Your HeartAnd Say The Words Your Soul Has OnlyDared To Whisper,That's When Miracles Happen !!So, Believe In YourselfGood Morning
Try holding a handful of sand too tightly and you end up holding almost none. The same is true in life. You can't have mrng
Eyes are not meant for tears and heart is not meant for fear, never get upset but always cheer.. because you are the one who can make people smile for years.good morning
When your life goes wrong, don't waste your time looking back at what you've lost for the road of life was not meant to be travelled backwards, just move on and say, "I'm with God, I will get through."
Everyone is good to you,till you expect nothing from them..!And you are too Good to them only till u fulfill their expectations.!Good Mng
Destiny Is Simply The Strength Of Your Desire If You Cry At Trouble It Grows Double. If You Laugh At Trouble It Disappear Like Bubble.good morning
Being a gud person is like a being a goal keeper. No matter hw many goals we save, People will remembr only d one that U missed..GM
try to Beeee the best friend i can beeeee, so here u go, some Goodmorning flowers right to you from meeeeeee.
Good Morning.Do not Expect much from Others&Get Disappinted..ButDo not Disappoint thoseWho Expect Much from You..Good Day....
D word 'HELLO' means, H-How are u? E-Everything alright? L-Like 2 hear from u. L-Love 2 c u soon. O-Obviously,I miss you!!... So mrng