No candle loses any of its light while lighting up another candle"So nvr stp helping othrs cos it makes ur life mor meaningful..gud morning. Have a nice day..
God gives us a loving spirit so we can be better persons; not just gifted with a mind that understands but with a heart that truly cares. Good morning!
May ur heart b happy & ur days b bright.May ur roads b smooth & ur burdens light.May u find dreams & touch a star & never forget how special U R.G'Mrng
HARDWORK=H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K=8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98%ONLY. BUT ATTITUDE=A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E=1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100%. SO A PERSON WITH RIGHT"ATTITUDE IS ALWAYS A WINNER".gd mrng
Life is cricket, Dont lose ur wicket,Try 2 get century,Never 4get ur boundry,Even if u r run out, Never become mood out,BeCOZ GOD Is 3rd umpire.good morning
Life can b hard, not alwaz fun, wen nite brings darknes & mornin brings sun,wen life seems tuff & nobody seems 2 care.Dear dil se yaad karna i wil b there!