Real fact:No one

Real fact:No one
Real fact:No one in the world is afraid to speak the truth..Evrybdy is afraid only to face the consequenses aftr the truth is let out!GM

Jan, 16 2012     136 chars (1 sms)     934 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

WishingUonefine DAY!NO wOrries,NO hUrries,NO hangups,NO stress,NO lOss,NO tension,No depresion,No bad moods,Wishing U gr8 day..GOOD Mrng!
The beauty of Life is some what like this: Just when we get all the answers of life.. Life changes the question!GD MRNG
The pleasure of being with u is pleasurable..even wen everyone on earth forgets u,remember here is one who forgets everyone,2 remember u...Gd mg
Obstacles are put in our way to see if we really want somethingOr we just thought we did." Good Morning
fresh morning fresh day fresh smile fresh faces fresh lifebut still the same good old love..,wish u have a refreshing day..Good Morning
Positive picures come out from negative developed in a Dark Room, so if u find ur self lonely & in dark, understand "GOD" is a working on a beautiful picture 4 u. - Good Morning
Our life begins with our cry,Our life ends with others cry,so try to utilize this gap in laugh as much as possible...Gm.
God Says:Tu Kuch Chahta Hai, Me Kuch Chahta Hu,Hota Wo Hai Jo Main Chahta Hu,Tu Wo Kar Jo Me Chahta Hu,Phir Wo Hoga Jo Tu Chahta He.GD MRNG
Life is not a written book. You can pick up & read It is journal waiting for you to fill its pages.GD MRNG
Education gives quality of life.Money givs quality of respect.Wife gives quality of love.but friendship gives quality of heart.Gd mng
Ever Seen a bAby LeArn to wAlk without fAlling down..?...No !!!You never Will either.MistAke R A pArt of the process We cAll Success..GM
Through each day our goal is to touch one"s heart, encourage one"s mind & inspire one"s soul. May u continually be blessed & be a blessing to others! Gud Day!"""