Wen u run so fast 2get

Wen u run so fast 2get
Wen u run so fast 2get sumwhere,u miss d fun of gettng dere.Life is not a race,so take it systematicaly.Hear d music b4 the song is over.GM

Jan, 16 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     753 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Never forget what sumeone say to you whaen they are angry.Because that is when truth comes out .gm
Heartbreaks will last as long as you want and Cut as deep as you allow them to go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.gd mrng
Dont take life too seriously,Always find time to laugh… Remember that laughter not only adds years to ur life,But adds more Life to ur Years….gd mrng
try to Beeee the best friend i can beeeee, so here u go, some Goodmorning flowers right to you from meeeeeee.
"To Be Successful'U need Friends,But….To be VERY Successful,U need Enemies & Competitor.."GM
I luv the people like u who luv others like me & make others like me to luv others like u. Think again there is a wonderful meaning… Take Care.GD MRNG
With petals of roses,palm full of holly water,light of full sun,fragrance of flower and grass with dew.i wish u a very special good morning.
A Lovely thought...."Death is not the greatest loss in life.....the greatest loss is -what dies in you when you are alive..Good Day
Life ends when u stop Dreaming; Hope ends when u stop Believing; Luv ends when u stop Caring; So Dream, Believe n Care, Life is really Beautiful.
Success does not depend on making important decisions quick, it depends on your quick action on important decisions..Gud mrng
O moon -go slowly.O beauty birds -dnt make noice.O breez -b slowly.O my heart -beat silently.Bcoz my dear frnd is opening d eyesG'Mrng!
"One of d reasons y ppl hold on to memories so tight, is bcoz memories r d only thing tat dont change wen everyone else does"Good morning..