"To Be Successful'U

"To Be Successful'U
"To Be Successful'U need Friends,But….To be VERY Successful,U need Enemies & Competitor.."GM

Jan, 16 2012     92 chars (1 sms)     842 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Time is lik a river U can't touch the same water twice bcoz the flow that has passed wil never pass again Cherish every moment of ur life.. Good morning.
U'll never get a 2nd chance to mke a 1st impression..But remember the 1st impression is not the last CHANCE...Gud mrng.Have a nice day.
A Relationship doesn’t shine by just shaking hands in best of times…But…..it blossoms by holding hands firmly in critical situations.GM
Tension is the poison of the ambition. So no more tensions, Have full attention on ur ambition, Then only U will be in good position..GM
Best ever romantic words said by a true lover to his love-I Dont know how Beautiful U R bcoz my eyes Haven't Moved from ur eyes.. GDMrng..
To Meet N Depart Is D Way Of Life, But 2 Depart N Meet Is D Hope Of Life. We Meet 2 Create Memories, But We Depart 2 Preserve It....Gud Mrng..
Floating down d flow needs no effort Swimming agnst it needs effort Don't Go d Way Life Takes uTke Life d Way U Want 2 GoDare 2 b diffrnt.GD MRNG
Wats the meaning of sms(share my sweetness) (search my soul) (seek my sweetheart) (succeed my smartness)(see my smile)so keep sending SMS Good morning..--
I Know Still Ur Lazy Hands r Tryng 2 Pick d Cell & Ur Cute Half Opend Eyes r Trying 2 Read the Msg My Cute frnd Lazy dear frnd,Its Time2 WakeUp!GUD MORNING
Night has gone And the moon Too... Sun has arrived With the sky blue... open ur beautiful eyes, there is a sms 4 u.. Gudmorning
Its Not Important 2 Hold All D Gud Cards In Life..But Its Important How Gud u Play With D Cards Which U Hold.GM
A good way to change someones attitude, is to change ur own. bcuz d same sun which melts d butter hardens d clat too.. gd mrng