HARDWORK=H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K=8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98%ONLY. BUT ATTITUDE=A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E=1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100%. SO A PERSON WITH RIGHT"ATTITUDE IS ALWAYS A WINNER".gd mrng
Coin's always make sound but the rupees will always be silent. So, When ur value increases...Keep calm!!good morning n have a calm n wonderful week ahead :
I Know Still Ur Lazy Hands r Tryng 2 Pick d Cell & Ur Cute Half Opend Eyes r Trying 2 Read the Msg My Cute frnd Lazy dear frnd,Its Time2 WakeUp!GUD MORNING
Never let dreams die, for if you do, life will only be a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as there's a dream, there is hope, andas long as there is hope, there is joy in living.'**** GOOD MORNING
Wen life seems to be a journey thru a dark tunnel, just take me along... I dont promise 2 lead U to light, But I can assure U tht U are Not Alone..Good mornin
Beautiful frendz & Beautiful thought r rare 2 find. But i'm lucky 2 fnd such a beautiful frend whose beautiful thoughts alway's fill my mind... Gud Mrng
Fact of life:They all laughed so I laughed,I cried but no 1cried wit me.dis is life.Try 2 Move Up In Life By wiping Ur eyes by Ur Own Hand.good morning