Don't get 'UPSET'

Don't get 'UPSET'
Don't get 'UPSET' with little jerks in life,Bcozlife is like a road & problems are like speed breakers,They 'SAVE' us from'BIG'

Jan, 16 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     1002 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Prayer is the first duty in life; And to plead lack of time for it is an insult to GOD.Gd mrng
Subah-subah suraj ka sath ho..Chah-chahate parindo ki awaj ho..Hath me cofee aur yado me koi khas ho..Us khusnuma subah ki kya bat ho..< Good MorNinG >.
Were born alone,we live alone,we die alone.Only through our love and frndship can we create the illusion 4 the momnt tht were nt mrng
Kamyabi tumhare kadam chume, khushian na kabhi tumse rooth paaye tumhare jivan mein ugta suraj har roz sukh ki kirnein failaye. good morning.Have a nice day.
H__m is not complete without "u" and Lo__e without "v" So the equation is 4 Hum "u" are must and 4 Love "v" are must. Good morning Have a nice day
People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.good morning
No one can go back and make a new beginning but anyone can start from now and make a happy ending. Hope you’ll have a new day that starts right and ends happy.
New Morning + New Aim + New Achievement + UR Dedication + Committment = SUCCESS Just TRY it & Win the Day! Good Morning & Have a Great day!
Dont walk as lf you rule the world...but walk as lf you dont care who rules the world...!! thats called "attitude" Enjoy mrng
'G' god'O' offer us'O' outstanding'D' Devotion to'M' make us'O' obedient &'R' ready for'N' new day to'I' initiate'N' new aim for the'G' glory of life..HAVE A NICE DAY
When u r in light,evrything wil follow u.But when u enter dark,even ur own shadow wil nt follow u.Thats life:G'mrng
Gud relations doesn't need any promises any terms or condition.....It jst need 2 wonderful people. One cool like me...One sweet like you....GM