Give each other space & time alone. Everyone needs this type of space, without explanation. And u don’t have to do everything together! Keep some activities just for urself.GM
The fruit of silence is PRAYER The fruit of prayer is FAITH The fruit of faith is LOVE The fruit of love is SERVICE The fruit of service is PEACE .gd mrng
Five steps to a lovely morning close your eyes, take a deep breath, open your arms wide, feel your heart beat and say its too early. let me sleep again. good morning.
Every one wants happiness, no one needs pain, but its not possible to get a rainbow without a little rain! So face the life with confidence..Hav a g8 day!
U dont know how high U can fly untill U give a real good try. Just do your best in each try. May b the sky will have to shift little higher.Hv a fantastic day.