Life starts with

Life starts with
Life starts with a voice but ends with silence...Love starts with a fear but ends with tears..True friendship starts any where and ends no where.G'Mrng!

Jan, 16 2012     152 chars (1 sms)     856 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Dntgo4luks they can deceive Dntgo4wealth in end it fadesaway Go4sum1 who makes u smile bcoz ittakes onlysmile 2make dark day bright GM
whenever i want to see u,i"ll just close my eyes,if god decides to take u away from methen i"ll ask god to close my eyes forever...Good morning. Good day
U dont know how high U can fly untill U give a real good try. Just do your best in each try. May b the sky will have to shift little higher.Hv a fantastic day.
Thought to pondeWe make a living by what we get. But we make a life by what we give.. Good morning..
The Two of the most important things when u wakeup today 1.Pray,so that u may Live 2.Take a bath so that others may Live too! Gud mrng
A frnd like U is a sweet gift, an emotional lift,a heart healer,a mood chiller,a gem so rare,a happy mate..& offcourse for me a lucky fate! Gd morng!
2 aspects of life:If v become too Sentimental, its too Hard to Lead Life & if v become too Practical,its too tough to Respect Relations…!GD MRNG
Trust is the Base of Every Relation..A Small Mistake Can Change its Entire Meaning..Missing Letter 'T' in Trust..Can 'Rust' the Relation.GOOD MORNING.
Some relations never demand personal presence,it's the confidence in the relation which makes u aware that when needed the person would be with U..Gud mrng.
Success is going from one failure to another failure without loosing your enthusiasum............GD MRNG
A sunset here is a sunrise on the other end of the world.Never give up, bcoz what appears to be the end may actually be a new begining.. Gud mrng
Our life begins with our cry, Our life ends with other's cry. Try to utilize this gap n laugh as much as possible between these cries.