Seconds of introduction..Minutes of discussion..Hours of attraction..Days of interaction..Years of satisfaction..Makes freindship a strong construction…
i cant txt u roses or fax u my email u kisses but wed stil b apart.i luv u 2 pieces n just wish ud c dat i care 4 u so much coz u mean da world 2 me.
A warm "hello" doesn't come from the lips, it comes from the heart; doesn't have to be told, it has to be shown; doesn't have to be given, it has to be sent.
HI CUTY!!! The seven magical colors of Joy, affection, Sorrow, Love, Care, Trust & Helping combines to form a colorful rainbow known as.....FrIeNdShIp...
True friends see you true, believe in things u wanna do, feel glad when ur dreams come true, best of all they don't judge, they simply love u coz you r you.