I AlwAys thot

I AlwAys thot
I AlwAys thot loving some1 is greAtest feeling,bt I reAlized thAt loving A frnd is even better.We lose pple v love,bt we nevrlose true frnds

Jan, 12 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     5159 views       Friendship

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God made the world with a heart full of love, then he looked down from Heaven above, And saw that we all need a helping hand, Someone to share with, who"ll understand. "
U cAnt hug urself For Comfort,u cAnt cry on ur Shoulders wen teArs fAll.ThAts Why u hAve Frndz in Life..Let dem do whAt Ever u cAnt...
U wil be a ROSE 4 all TREES U wil be a SMILE 4 all FACES U will be WATER FALLS 4 al HILLS & U wil be a BROHTER 4 al naughty&cute GIRLS
My heart problem has reached a critical stage that doctor says there are only 2 options left....I.C.U or......U C me
When u were born, u were crying and everyone round u was smiling.. Live ur life so that when u die, u’re the one who is smiling and everyone round u is crying.
If I m in hell & u in heaven, I always look up & be proud of u. but if I were In heaven & u in hell, I beg God 2 send me down coz heaven wont be heaven without u.
If friendship could be brought and sold like stocks and shares, then people who invested in you would be millionaires
Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material wealth, but in having friend like you - a precious gift from God.
Some joys are better explained in silence, as a smile gets more audible than laughter. I was asked if I enjoyed my friendship with you. I just smiled
Remember 'M', Remember 'E', Put them together and Remember 'ME'.
Friendship is not a game to play, It is not a word to say, It doesn't start on March and ends on May, It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and everyday
True friends r like nice mornings, U cant have them for the whole day, but u can be sure they willbe there when u wake up tomorrow, day after and 4 ever.