Memories r treasure

Memories r treasure
Memories r treasure dat nobody can steal!But they can leave behind a pain 4 d moments when d dear ones are at a distance..GM

Jan, 16 2012     124 chars (1 sms)     830 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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May Ur Today Be, All U Ever Hoped For & Fondly Bring Ur Way PEOPLE Who Touch Ur Life With Endless Joy & Make U Happy Always.GUD MRNG
A single moment of misunderstanding is so poisonous that it make us forget the thousand lovable moment spent together within minute.good morning
A NeW dAy beginning Is pErHaPeS d BeSt TiMe 2 SaY It'S s0 nIcE 2 kNoW u & hErE's WiShInG oUr FrIeNdShIp CoNtInUeS 2 gRoW In eVeRy DaYz To CoMe. GuD MRNG
True wealth is not a matter of bank accounts and assets its in the values we live and share as well as the person we keep in touch with & care gud morning
Let evryday b a dream u can touch,let evryday b a luv u can feel,let evryday b a reason to live coz life indeed is beautiful.Have a Gud day
Faith makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work, Love makes all things beautiful, May u have all the 3, As u begin each day.good morning
U're on top of some situation & it may come as a shock 2 othrs. That doesnt mean u can just coast - Build on ur success! Gud morning
Patience with others is Love,Patience with self is Hope,Patience with God is Faith.Celebrate this beautiful day ! Good Morning
The mist turns to l,ight,Morning takes over the night..Another beautiful day dawning,Its time to wish a very Good Morning....
Life is abt 3 things:1. Winning2. Losing3. SharingWinning- Others heartsLosing- Bad things &Sharing- Happy moments…!GD MRNG
Success without honor is an unreasoned dish,it will satisfy your hunger,but it wont taste good.good morning
The value of life does not depend on the length of time on this Earth but rather on the amount of love given and shared to the people we care mrng