24hrs make a lovely day, 7 days make a lovely week, 52 weeks make a lovely year & knowing a person like me will make ur life lovely. Have a lovely day n life
to luv someone is a natural instinct. to b luved by someone is luck. to live wid someone u luv is achievement. to live wid someone who luves u is life! gud mrng
Rowing hard doesn't help if the boat is heading the wrong direction. Entrust your life to God and let Him steer it according to His plan and purpose.gd mrng
I Know Still Ur Lazy Hands r Tryng 2 Pick d Cell & Ur Cute Half Opend Eyes r Trying 2 Read the Msg My Cute frnd Lazy dear frnd,Its Time2 WakeUp!GUD MORNING
Life is not about finding the right person,but creating the right relationship.Its not how much we care in the beginning,but how much we care till d end. Gm