To lead a

To lead a
To lead a life,1 needs:-brain,intelligence,ability,talents,character,etci'm proud of u my frnd that u manage without any of them.

Jan, 12 2012     129 chars (1 sms)     812 views       Friendship

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Friendship often ends in love; but love ends in friendship - NEVER.
"FRIEND"means F free from all formalities. R right to say anything. I in anyway. E either good or bad. N no sorry no thanks. D datna pitna Alowd.
Friendship is like a glass,A scratch on any side will reflect on other side too,so always handle frndshp carefully,Bcoz scratch cant be removed…
The Worst thing in life is When Sum One has Tears in their Eyes bcoz of u"and the Best thing in life is When Sum One has Tears in their 4 U
A rose exclusively for a nice person like u 4m an ever nice person like me. Keep the rose until it’s dry, keep my friendship until I die.
A frnd is never a co incidence in ur life, they r meant to enter ur life to bring u joy n laughter, so ill treasure the frnd ship between us.
True friends are like Diamonds... they are real and rare. False friends are like leaves... they are scattered everywhere.
Param mittr, pranam,"Apka sandesh nahi milne se hum ati vichlit hote hain. Kripya apne "Chalit durbhaash yantr" se Laghu Sandesh bhejte rahe"Subha Prabhat*
don’t close ur door wn u feel alon, don’t close ur heart wen u wan 2 luv, an ddon’t ever close ur hands wen u need me coz I vil b holding u til d end.
Each day with someone new, I do look and never find another you, world is full of people, I know its true, Yet no one could ever equal the FRIEND I found in YOU.
Pain of missing friends is realised when u r alone watching a gang of friends enjoying in front of U and U remembrng d past which u spent with ur friends!
BYE is a little word that causes so much pain the friend u hold now might nvr meet u again so nvr say BYE alwys say MEET U AGAIN