Dreams, it's a magic

Dreams, it's a magic
Dreams, it's a magic word, in dreams we can see the whole world, neither they can be grabbed, nor they can be traped, eye can see them and heart can feel them, everyone wants them to fulfil, which are only joyful. So GOOD NIGHT and sweet dreams..

Jan, 16 2012     246 chars (2 sms)     2743 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

When my arms cant reach people who r close to my heart,I always hug them with my prayers. May God grant uwhat ur heart desires n keep u happy..Good Night
Go 2 d window, Look outside, Someone is waiting for ur SMILE. Did ya see. "THE MOON" ...YES... I've sent "THE MOON" to say " GOOD NIGHT " "SWEET DREAMS
Take it Light G,Miss Me Slight G, Never Do Fight G, Have Fun Might G, Eat Good Diet G,Try Flying a Kite G, Be Alwayz Happy Right G,& G0o0d Night G,
Accepting every victory with a humble heart and every defeat with a gracious mind is the way to live in this world....G'?vng frnds
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." Good evening
Night doesnt become beautiful with star studded sky & full moon,It becomes beautiful when u go to sleep and let stars & moon admire ur innocence..Good night,,,
Cute feelings: My hands never pain when typing message for you, But my heart always pain when there is no reply from YOU....G.N.S.D
2) "G"o_to_bed "O"ff_d_light "O"ut_of_tension "D"reams_come "N"ice_sleep "I"gnore_worries "G"et_up_earlier "H"ave_nice thought "T"hank_the_ G0D. "Good Night".
Lovng 1self is common but caring bout sme1 can b magnanimous coz a small act of carng which u mite hav 4gottn cud b d brightst memory 4 sum1 else !!G'nite
As precious as u r to me,As precious no one can ever be,I know friends r hard to choose,But u r a Friend I never want to lose..Take Care!G/N
Everything is fair in Love & War..But think War is fair than Luv becoz in War either u win or die.... But in Love neither u live nor u die... Gud nite
Ho Gyi Hai Ab Tø Black Black NiGHT, Ab Band Bhi kar Do White White LiGHT, Sweet Sweet Sapno ki Pakarlø Tum FLiGHT. Oh! My Dear GooD GooD NiGHT