A SIMPLE good evening

A SIMPLE good evening
A SIMPLE good evening becomes a special greeting wen sum1 so dear it is heartily given…Because u hav 2 me a wonderful meaning. Take care!

Jan, 16 2012     137 chars (1 sms)     701 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

So jao so jao mujhe wish kiye bina so jao, raat ki rani aayegi, dhakka deke jayegi, bed se tum gir jaoge, sari nini ud jayegi.. gudnite.
Here Are 1000 Smiles For U,Take One Now.Put The Other 999 Under Your Pillow And Whenever U Need One,Feel Free To Take One, Just Remember It's FROM ME....gd nite
Coincidence decides whom u meet in life, Ur heart decides whom u want to stay in ur life. Destiny decides who will get to stay in ur life. Good Night.
Sleepy message fora Sleepy person from a Sleepy frd for a Sleepy reason at a Sleepy time on the Sleepy nght in a Sleepy mood 2say"GUD NGHT"
da starz r out, da moon is up, 1 more HUG, 1 more smile, KISS u once, KISS u twice, now itz time 4 bed. Close ur @@, n sleep tite!
The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.GD NITE
"Life is rely IRONICAL"Boyz use dword "frndship" 2 start love Girls use d word "frndship" 2 end love Same words,bt different attitudes!!Gud n8
"NIGHT" is a good time to "Remember"all the sweet things & all sweet persons in your "Life". so sleep well with your Sweet Memories. GOOD NIGHT
Whenever u share the goodness in ur heart U always end up winning hearts Because Life is an echo . . It gives back what u have given.gd nite
Thought: All d water in d sea cant sink a ship unless it gets inside it. Similarly all d sadness in d world cant put u down unless u let it inside u...Gn
Love knws no reasons,love knows no lies.love defies all reasons,lve has no eyes.But love is not blind,Love sees all,but doesnt mind.Good morning
Eyes speak more when a heart starts listening to someone silently and life seems to be more exiting when someone start reading ur eyes silently.. Gud nite.