NICE FRIENDS A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my good friend lastly gd nite n sweet dreams...

Jan, 16 2012     167 chars (2 sms)     795 views       Greeting > Good Night

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Ek pal me bhula diya hamko, ek pal me juda ho gaye, abhi to mere saath the, abhi na jane kahan kho gaye, kahi soh to nahi gaye?gd nite
U R Roti I am Daal U R Rice I am Kabab U R kerry I am achar look! We are not same but incomplete without each other! Tk Care.GD NITE
My day won’t certainly be over for I have something left to do. I just couldn’t sleep yet without saying I love you. Good Night.
Go to Bed O ff the light O ut of tension D reams come N ice sleep I gnore worries G et up earlier H ave nice thought Thank the GOD..
No matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there's stars or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always be wif u. Gd Nite!
Which is More Painful?When a person Whom U TRUSTED Hurts you, Or The person Whom you HURTED still trusts you ! Keep thinking…GD NIGHT
2) "G"o_to_bed "O"ff_d_light "O"ut_of_tension "D"reams_come "N"ice_sleep "I"gnore_worries "G"et_up_earlier "H"ave_nice thought "T"hank_the_ G0D. "Good Night".
hi,i know u r sleeping i dont wand to disterb u.but this “beeb beeb” is my sweet kiss.i wil give it keep in touch
Life's a game,sumtimes u win,sometimes u loose. But no matter what ur cards n life whether club , spade,r diamond always remember never play without a nite
Ultimate words by a ultimate person:"God gave me nothing i wanted. He gave me everything i needed..."gud nyte
Close ur eyes.. save all the sweet memories in ur heart,think of all the beautiful things in ur life... & surrender ur self to sweet dreams, good night.
Moon is upset..Sun is happy..why..?Because..Moon is missing u & sun is going to b with u..