Sleepng is not

Sleepng is not
Sleepng is not taking rest for todys hardwork. It means gaining energy fr tomow So hv a Gud sleep 2 gain Gud energy,bcz tmro is waiting fr uGud 9t.

Jan, 16 2012     147 chars (1 sms)     774 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

A shining ANGEL stands beside your silky bed,Calling ur nice Name so softly,Throwing flowers on UAnd saying Good Night & Sweet Dreams
Like birds, let us leave behind what we don't need to carry pains,sorrows, grudges, fears. Always fly light, life is so Beautiful!.GDNITE
Everything is fair in Love & War..But think War is fair than Luv becoz in War either u win or die.... But in Love neither u live nor u die... Gud nite
To be trusted is a greater compliment than 2 be loved!!Faith n fear cant live 2gether,give d world d best u have &da best ll come 2 u.GN
What makes u realise dat sum person r close 2 ur heart....Its not d happiness dat u feel wen u meet them..but its the pain dat u feel wen u miss them..Gd Evng !
Ultimate words by a ultimate person:"God gave me nothing i wanted. He gave me everything i needed..."gud nyte
One hurts u so that u may find someone who can heal u, if nobody is there 2hurt u, u will never know d importance of person who cares 4u..GN
If we Truly Love SomeoNe, TheN The oNly ThiNg we WaNt For Them Is To Be Happy., EveN theN It'll Not be with us!Gud Nite
Dreams, it's a magic word, in dreams we can see the whole world, neither they can be grabbed, nor they can be traped, eye can see them and heart can feel them, everyone wants them to fulfil, which are only joyful. So GOOD NIGHT and sweet dreams..
Victory is not the property of brilliants. It is the crown for thosewho bow themselves in front of hard work & confidence !Gud NITE
Saying gudnite isnot just putting anend 2 a day,it's a way of sayingI remember ub4i go 2 sleep.Hope u can feel dcare dat goes wid it.
Night is anice giftso openthe giftby closingur eyesu will cthe another world waiting for u...Enjoy it with sweet dreamz...G..O..O..D.. N..I..G..H..T..