WHAT is d difference between

WHAT is d difference between
WHAT is d difference between TALENT and INTELLIGENCE..Walking on a rope above Niagra falls is talent,and not trying such thing is intelligence. Gud nyte.

Jan, 14 2012     153 chars (1 sms)     758 views       Greeting > Good Night

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Two ways to be happy in life:-Never give the help of tears to your emotions.and-Never give the help of words to your anger..Gud nite
Mere Sath Rehta To Tu Mera HotaTere Dil Me Kisi Ka Na Basera HotaBan Ke Jugnu Mai Deta Roshni TujhkoChahe Meri Ankhon Me Kitna Bhi Andhera hota.GuD EveninG.
Sweet is ur nature Dear is ur name, My Dear friend, U will always remain. As Earth wants water, Flower wants dew,I want nothing but happiness 4U. Gud nigt
Life is like a MOVIE… If u r sad – DRAMA, If u r afraid – SUSPENSE, If u r angry – ACTION, When u Luk at the mirror – HORROR, Now u r smilling - that's COMEDY.GOOD NIGHT
Best feel in life:To be remembered by person whom u don’t expect to remember u..Worst feel in life:To be forgotten by the one u always Remember..Gud night
If I get a chance to go to Moon, My great wish is I will draw your face on the Moon So that through out the night ,wherever I go I can see your face.GD NITE
You are my air The sun in my day The moon in my night The spring in my step you are my everything. Good Night
2) "G"o_to_bed "O"ff_d_light "O"ut_of_tension "D"reams_come "N"ice_sleep "I"gnore_worries "G"et_up_earlier "H"ave_nice thought "T"hank_the_ G0D. "Good Night".
As the moon winks at u tonight.I wish sweet dreamz embrace u tight!Hope ur day was quite alright,And now i greet u with a lovelyGN
Coincidence decides whom u meet in life, Ur heart decides whom u want to stay in ur life. Destiny decides who will get to stay in ur life. Good Night.
WHAT is d difference between TALENT and INTELLIGENCE..Walking on a rope above Niagra falls is talent,and not trying such thing is intelligence. Gud nyte.
Whenever i miss my U I wont luk 4u in ma dreams Or try 2 hear ur voice in ur messages. I wil jus put my hand across my chest n feel you..hav a nice night..