KrAzZy bt true abt LuV hw

KrAzZy bt true abt LuV hw
KrAzZy bt true abt LuV hw pathetic humans r if v HATE Sum1 v tell it widout fear Or If v Luv sum1 v fear 2tell.GN NITE

Jan, 14 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     918 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Good night my very special friend,I pray you lay in rest,And may tomorrow bring you,Much love and happiness. do not think of me…i m in ur eyes.
thoughts dta decide ur attitude>wat U tHink of URSELF wen U dont haV anyTHING>what U think of others wen U haV everyTHINGGood night
Expect more from urself than others, Bcoz expectation from others hurts a lot, while expectation frm ourself inspires a lot.. G'nite
If u miss sum1 dn't cry, think of al d tim u've spent 2gether n hold a sweet smil in ur face bcoz d 1 u r missing always wants 2 see u SMILING.
BLINKING STARS FreNz r 4-evER liKE E starS taT kePt blinkin In E sky. THoUgh we MighT b Far Apart.. BUt I noE taT u r Still Near 2 Me WhnEveR I look up... Gd nite N sleep TiTE
Success doesnt mean d absence of failures.It means d attainment of ultimate means winning d war,not every battle..Gud NITE
Jo chiz mang k mile woh MANNAT hai, Chah k mile wo CHAHAT hai,Paas ho wo AMAANAT hai,Dilse mile vo REHMAT hai,Par aap jaisa koi mile to vo KISMAT hai .Gdnt
Big fights can break relations but small misunderstandings can spoil relations & the fact is"Spoiled relations are more painful dan broken ones"-gud n8
If every raindrop wud b one of ur smile.. i wish that it rains heavily through out.. so that there is no space for tears in ur life....God Bless u..G'nite.
Wash your face and wash your feet! Now its time 2 fall asleep. Yours eyes are weak n mouth can’t speak So hope this night shall be nice and sweet. Sweet dreams & Good night.
God plz grant me the calmness to accept the thngs I cant change, the courage to change thngs I can and wisdom to knw the difrnce b/w these two.GD NITE
Bade ARMAAN se Banwaya h..Ise ROSHNI se Sajaya h..Bahut DUR se Mangwaya h..Zara KHIDKI khol k Dekho..Apko "GUD-NITE" kehne CHAND Bhijwaya h.Gd Nite