Night Has Come

Night Has Come
Night Has Come And The Moon Too. The Sky Is Full Of Star Crew. Now Just Close Your Beautiful Eyes, Because A Sweet Dream Is Waiting For u

Jan, 16 2012     137 chars (1 sms)     781 views       Greeting > Good Night

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God when i lose hope, help me to remember that your love is greater than my disappointments and in your plan 4 my life are better than my night
Cute feelings: My hands never pain when typing message for you, But my heart always pain when there is no reply from YOU....G.N.S.D
One of the beautiful words said abt life,'Life is not the amount of breaths u take,its the amount of MOMENTS that take your breath AWAY.G'Nite.
Take it Light G,Miss Me Slight G, Never Do Fight G, Have Fun Might G, Eat Good Diet G,Try Flying a Kite G, Be Alwayz Happy Right G,& G0o0d Night G,
Love knws no reasons,love knows no defies all reasons,lve has no eyes.But love is not blind,Love sees all,but doesnt mind.Good morning
Best feel in life:To be remembered by person whom u don’t expect to remember u..Worst feel in life:To be forgotten by the one u always Remember..Gud night
Raat Ko Chupke Se Aati Hai 1 PARI,Kuch Khushiyon K Sapne Lati Hai Pari,Kehti Hai Sapno K Aagosh Me Kho jaao,Bhul K Saare Gum Chupke Se So Jaao !
Cute feel: My hands never pain when typing message for 'U', but "MY HEART" always pain when there is no reply from "U…" gud NITE
moon givs sweet night night givs sweet sleep sleep givs sweetdreams "in dreams my sweet friend givs sweetsmile.gudnight. have a nice sleep.good night "
Hi my name is dream.Now i want to show u all the new collections.So close ur eyes and go 2 a deep sleep.Dont miss me.See u in dream...!G'ngtSwt Drmz
Tireness draws across the mind making the body fade flexibility and soon windows of soul begin 2 close N enter the dreamland!! Sweet Dreams!
Close ur eyes & go 2 sleep, for angels r there for u to keep.If there r worries,please dont weep.I'm at the other side, just give me a beep.