In life you

In life you
In life you will realize that the people you meet have a purpose.. some were put there to test you, some would use you, some would teach you, and some would bring out the better if not the best in you.good night

Oct, 15 2012     211 chars (2 sms)     914 views       Greeting > Good Night

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Bade armaan se bnaya hai Ise roshni se sjaya hai Bahut dur se mangwaya hai Zara khidki khol k dekho Apko Good night kehne chand bheja hai.
Go to Bed O ff the light O ut of tension D reams come N ice sleep I gnore worries G et up earlier H ave nice thought Thank the GOD..
Best feel in life:To be remembered by person whom u don’t expect to remember u..Worst feel in life:To be forgotten by the one u always Remember..Gud night
Close ur eyes & go 2 sleep, for angels r there for u to keep.If there r worries,please dont weep.I'm at the other side, just give me a beep.
The people whom we like very muchGod always keep them away from us.So that we miss them every moment& think about them evry second. GOOD NITE
Ho Gyi Hai Ab Tø Black Black NiGHT, Ab Band Bhi kar Do White White LiGHT, Sweet Sweet Sapno ki Pakarlø Tum FLiGHT. Oh! My Dear GooD GooD NiGHT
Night is a wonderful opportunity to take rest, to forgive, to dream, to smile and to get ready for all the battle that you have to fight tomorrow. Good Night.
There are two kinds of people in this world .... Givers & takers ! The takers eat well... But the Givers sleep well . GOOD NIGHT .
Lovng 1self is common but caring bout sme1 can b magnanimous coz a small act of carng which u mite hav 4gottn cud b d brightst memory 4 sum1 else !!G'nite
One of the beautiful words said abt life,'Life is not the amount of breaths u take,its the amount of MOMENTS that take your breath AWAY.G'Nite.
Here are my SPECIAL WISHES for you tonight: A Night Full of Love, A Peaceful Sleep, A Beautiful Dream, and A prayer that will come true! Gud Night..
As nite falls upon the land, it is time 2 zz again. with the moon hangin in the starlit sky, i'm here to wish u nitenite! sweet dreams, cover blanket tight tight.