The most serious

The most serious
The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.GD NITE

Jan, 14 2012     137 chars (1 sms)     2139 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

My wishes are silent but true, Everywhere they will follow you... Luck is yours,Wishes are mine... I wish your present & future always shine... Good Evening
In tis lovely nite, I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U thru the nite, the wind 2 blow away ur stress N the twinkle stars 2 guide U the way, sweet dreams Gd Nite
Chand ko bitha ke pehrey par, taron ko sopa hai nigrani ka kaam. Raat ne jari kiya hai farman, ek sweet saa dream aap ke naam. Good night
Dreams, it's a magic word, in dreams we can see the whole world, neither they can be grabbed, nor they can be traped, eye can see them and heart can feel them, everyone wants them to fulfil, which are only joyful. So GOOD NIGHT and sweet dreams..
Hi had ur dinnerGo 2 bed fastBecause something is waiting 4 uDo u know what is tha?Sweet dreams Gud nite
Do not count what u have lost. just see what u have now, because past never comes back but sometimes future can give u back ur lost things! good night
Here are my SPECIAL WISHES for you tonight: A Night Full of Love, A Peaceful Sleep, A Beautiful Dream, and A prayer that will come true! Gud Night..
1 stone is enough to break a glass. 1 sentence to break a heart.1 Second is enough to fall in love.1 gud frnd like you is enough to Spend the whole lif G/N
When daylight turns to a darkened hueThe lovely stars hinting at uur heart beat tells u something trueThat some 1 badly missing U! Gd n8
Prayer iz open line 2 cards 2 use,no low battery problem,no charging,always gud signal and all messages dont forget 2 pray..gud nite.
Night is a wonderful opportunity to take rest, to forgive, to dream, to smile and to get ready for all the battle that you have to fight tomorrow. Good Night.
Dream of star, Dream of palace, Dream of person, Dream of a face, Dream of sea, BUT when u dream of friend DREAM OF ME ONLY..Gud nyt Dear