All d right things r not possible

All d right things r not possible
All d right things r not possible always. All d possible things r not right always. Be true 2 both ur mind & heart, u'll never go wrong!MY BEST WISHES

Jan, 14 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     695 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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Dont get rest after a success. People say ur previous victory as a luck in ur next failure.. Keep on working.. success is always best wishes
Every sunset gives us one day less to live! But every sunrise give us, one day more to hope! So, hope for the best. Good Day & Good Luck!
Losing in Life & RegAining wAt u Lost mAks u d Most confident persn bcoz u r no more AfrAid of Losing As now u reAlis ur Ability 2 regAin.BEST WISHES
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from your will power & determination. Always keep them alive & see nothing is impossible..My best wishes
No1 Ever Won a Game of Chess by Taking only Forward Moves.Sometime U have 2 Move Backward 2 get a Better Step Forward.That's also in life..BEST WISHES
Care for the one who shares with u, share with the one who knows u, know the one who MISSES u, MISS the one who WELL WISHES for u, Wish u all the Best
Future is nt somthng u Await! Its smthng u must CREATE! Plan ur future in ADVANCE coz tat is were u wil spend the REST of ur LIFE:best wishes
Instead of feeling inferior because someone else can do something you cannot do, concentrate on what you can do that others best wishes
Relation is lyk cardiogram.It lives only if it has up&down.If it is steady,it dies.So accept it positively.Blive in 4giving & 4getting.BEST WISHES
The difference between ability and character is… ability will get us to the top, but character will retain us at top. Be at top always!BEST WISHES
With my 1 Heart... 2 eyes... 5 litre blood... 206 bones... 1.2million Red Cells... 60 trillion D.N.A.'s... I wish u "All the very best of LUCK"...
If u find ur world as a sky n ur frnz as STARZ,n u dnt find me among dem. dnt worry i hv just been fallen 2 make ur wish cum true.