When u face problems in life, don't ask GOD to take them away. Ask Him to show His purpose- Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you. GOD BLESS And VERY BEST OF LUCK!!
Mistakes r the part of life.We must learn othrs mistakes also & learn lessons from it,calculate it,then only u can correct ur mistakes also.GOOD WISHES
LIFE is a Vehicle Which is Driven With d Help of d Wheels Called HARDWORK But reaching to d Destination will be IMPOSSIBLE Without d Fuel Called CONFIDE.BEST WISHES
Most InspirAtionAl Sentence- " A Ship is AlwAys sAfe At the Shore.But it wAs not Built for thAt."So tAke Risk And Achieve More.-ThAt's U wAnna to b.best wishes
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from your will power & determination. Always keep them alive & see nothing is impossible..My best wishes