while building ur team search

while building ur team search
while building ur team search always for people,who luv to win;if it is difficult to find,atleast look for people who hate to lose!.BEST WISHES

Jan, 14 2012     143 chars (1 sms)     767 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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Time is always with the kind of people who have the courage to fly.Not with the kind of people who stand on the ground and watch the sky!!MY BEST WISHES
Confidence helps to set some Aim.But,Self Confidence helps to achieve that Aim.So,never lose Ur Self Confidence.. My best wishes
Losing in life& regaining what U've lost makes u d most confident prsn,coz U are no more afraid of losing as now U realise ur ability2regain.BEST WISHES
If an egg is broken from OUTSIDE force -a Life ENDs If an egg breaks from WITHIN -a Life BEGINs GREAT things always begin from WITHIN US ONLY..my best wishes
Instead of feeling inferior because someone else can do something you cannot do, concentrate on what you can do that others cannot.my best wishes
"For every success of a man there will be a countless pain in his heart and that pain makes him a successful person in life" .MY BEST WISHES
Whatever we do, we must remember our aim at evry moment . If you dream to fly with eagles, don't waste time In swimming with ducks.
Happiness is the delicate balance between what one is and what one has. Balance it and be happy. Gud Day!
The HOPE, The STRUGGLE and The HARD WORK towards a goal/ success is part of the rewards. Achieving goal itself is not the whole reward...... .. BEST WISHES
The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.my best wishes…
Luck is Not in ur Hands.But Work is in ur Hands. Ur Work can make Luck But Luck can't make ur work.So Always Trust urself than ur Luck.BEST OF LUCK
Dont get rest after a success. People say ur previous victory as a luck in ur next failure.. Keep on working.. success is always urs..my best wishes