Stealing the blue from the splashing seas, A tinge of green from the youthful trees, A bit of orange from the sunset hues, With crystal white from the morning dews, I have framed a bright and colourful wish Just for you................
A wish is just a wish. A resolution is just a resolution. But, goals have deadlines & are stepping stones down the path, the stair-case to your dreams. Gud luck
Small minds talk about sales,Average minds talk abt business,Great minds talk abt Growth,But,Champions nevr talk,They just perform & the world talks abt them.BEST WISHES
Happiness is like a butterfly, u run after it, it keeps flying away. If u stand still it comes & sits on ur shoulders. Wish u the most happiest moments!
"Luck is not in your hand. But work is in your hands"."Your work can make luck But Luck can't make your work".So always trust yorself than yr luck......