Frndshp is Wen

Frndshp is Wen
Frndshp is Wen u hv A Huge Fight Wit Ur Frnd &U SAy ThAts IT,Im LEAving Bt Aftr A Moment u Put Al ur Egos aside & say "Chal pepsi to PilA"

Jan, 12 2012     138 chars (1 sms)     780 views       Friendship

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FRIENDSHIP->A special smile,a special face,a spl sm1 i cnt replace.a special thanx 4m me to u, for d special frndshp i found in U..
True meaning of friendship:Where there is no compromisein telling the secret.And there is no secretfor which u need to compromise..!
i made a list of special ppl in my life with pencil,but when i reached ur name i used pen bcoz i decided to keep u forever as my sweet friend.
The only good thing about your own mistakes, is that is might make other people happy.
Frndshp is like standin on wet cement..The longer u stay,the harder it is 2 leave nd u can never go without leavin footprints behind.
If u feel a little dizzy and u r craving for something sweet all the time . U r suffering from a defficiency of VITAMIN :ME:.
Friends are like shoes, some loose some tight, some fit just right, they help u as u walk through life. thanks for being my size!
As long as we have memories, yesterday remains, as long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits, as long as we have f'shp each day is nvr a waste.
Today is treasure, Tommorow is pleasure, Remember me when We are not together.
friendship is all about three things winning losing and sharing. winning your friends heart,losing your ego,and sharing joys and sorrows
I keep my friends as misers do their treasure, because, of all the things granted us by wisdom, none is greater or better than friendship
Ice is Cream, Love is Dream.. But Friendship is Evergreen.. Dont make frnds b4 Understandin.. Dont break Frndship Aftr Misundrstndin