Dream a dream

Dream a dream
Dream a dream tonight as you sleep. Smile a smile tomorrow that you may keep. May all of your dreams and wishes come true. Coz I couldn’t find a better friend like you!

Jan, 12 2012     168 chars (2 sms)     865 views       Friendship

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Kisi ko palko main na basaon palkon main bus SAPNE baste hain, Basana hai to DIL main basao, kyonki DIL main APNE baste hain...........
True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.
i cant txt u roses or fax u my heart.id email u kisses but wed stil b apart.i luv u 2 pieces n just wish ud c dat i care 4 u so much coz u mean da world 2 me.
Some friends are remembered becoz of their smile. Some friends are remembered because of their style. But you are remembered because you are so nice to remember
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Frendship is not about finding d right person,but creating d right relationship.It's not how much v care in d beginning,but how much v care til end
My hands never pain when typing message for you..!! But my heart always pain when there is no reply from you..!!
I’ll always be beside you until the very end, wiping all your tears away, being your best friend. i’ll smile when you smile and feel all the pain you do. and if you cry a single tear, i promise i’ll cry too.
Mango,Orange,Banana,Grapes & Apple.Which is sweet?Guess...Dont know?Oh dear yeh sab sweet nahihai.Yeh sab fruit hai.sweet to humari DOSTI hai.
Our friend$hip i$ ju$t like WATER no colour no $hape no place no ta$te But i$ $till e$$ential for living So have it forever.
If I'm in hell & u r in heaven, I'll luk up & b glad of u. If I'm in heaven & u r in hell, I'll pray 2 God 2 send me down coz the heaven is not heaven without U
True friends are like Diamonds... they are real and rare. False friends are like leaves... they are scattered everywhere.