What is a friend

What is a friend
What is a friend? She looks out for you, inspires you, laughs with you, cries with you, understands you, guides you and walks with you. That’s what a friend is.You.

Jan, 13 2012     164 chars (2 sms)     802 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

“At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.”
Don't walk in front of me,I may not follow; don't walk behing me,I may not lead; walk beside me,and just be my friend.
A simple friend has never seen u cry. A real friend has shoulders soggy from ur tears. A simple friend hates it when u call after she has gone 2 bed. A real friend asks u why u took so long 2 call. A simple friend acts like a guest. A real friend opens d refrigerator n helps himself. A simple friend will read this sms n delete it. A real friend will send it 2 all his friends. Send this to all ur Real friends as I did…
Do u know a simple HELLO can b so sweet H How r u? E Everything alrite? L Like 2 c u! L Luv 2 hear from u! O Obviously miss u! So,HELLO
Hold 10 Roses in Ur Hands & Stand Opposite to the Mirror, U'll see 11 Roses & among them, the most Beautiful Rose in the World is U my dear friend....
Learning frm water..adjust ur self in every situation in any shape & always find out ur own way beautiful..
Friendship is a relation beyond the limits of cast, crate and region. try your best for maintain it.
It feels nice when some1 misses u, feels good when some1 loves u. feels better when some1"s with u. But it feels the best when some1 never 4gets u."
When i'm walking in front of u,I'm protecting u. When i'm beside u i'm there for u, when i'm behind u, I'm watching over u. When i'm alone,I'm thinking of u.
Beauty is 2 see, not 2 touch, Frndsip is 2 make not 2 break,Wat comes & goes is called a trend,The one who stays 4ever is called a FRIEND....
1 st year - ur friendship was like a 'well' 2 year-its lik 'river' 3year its lik 'sea' 4th- like a ocean Now Its like.... Tsunami. . HELP! HELP!
I read in d newspaper dat sending SMS 2 friends means wastage of money..So,aaj se Band ! News paper padna, Yaar!GUD NIGHT DEAR AND SWET DREAMS