Find arms that

Find arms that
Find arms that will hold u at ur weakest eyes that will see u at ur ugliest heart that will love u at ur worst if u have found it, u have found love

Feb, 18 2014     148 chars (1 sms)     1622 views       Love

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Never look 4 beauty it vl fade away 1day,never look 4 good skin it vl grow old 1day,but always look 4loyal heart which vl miss u everyday
Each month of the year, each week of the month, each day of the weak, each hour of the day, each second of the hour i miss you
AlwAyS TrY YouR BesT tO GeT WaTeVeR YoU LovE...OtHeRwIsE... YoU WiLL bE FoRceD tO LovE WaTeVeR YoU GeT..
Lovin wat u get is compromise.Gettin wt u luv is succes. Lovin wdout carin whthr u'll gt or nt is Tru Luv. Lovin evn aftr knwin dt u wont get, is Pure Luv
Easy ways to die- 1.Hav cigar daily-u'll die 10yrs early2.hav drinks daily-die 30yrs anyone truely & die daily......
If i reached for your hand , will u hold it ? If i hold out my arms, will u hug me ? If i go for your lips, will u kiss me ? If i capture ur heart , will u love me ??
U may miss me, You may ignore me, U may even forget me. But one day if you want to see me Do not search, just see your shadow. I will be there. Trust me!!!
Wen u find luv...`Treasure it...`Take care of it...`B true 2 it...`Make gud use of it...`Bcoz luv comes unseen...`U can only c it...``wen it's gone
My pen is blue, My ink is blue, My love is for one, Only for you. How can u tell rain not to fall, when cloud exists How can u tell leaves not to fall, when wind exists How can u tell me not to fall in love When u exists.
Ive got ur bak & uve got mine. ill help u out netime. 2 see u hurt 2 see u cry. makes me weep & wanna die. ill b right here til d end. cos ur my luv & my bestfriend
Irony of Life: U luv sumone...U marry sum1 else. The 1 U marry becomes UR wife or husband & the 1 U loved becomes the password of your Email Id...!
I may not talk dat much 2 u but,u'll find me waiting,every minute just 2 listen,2 every piece of ur heart saying!I Love U