Never say gud

Never say gud
Never say gud bye 2 sum1 who luv u.. Never say thanx who really need u.. Never blame a person who really trust u.. Never 4get a person who think u as LIFE..

Jan, 18 2012     156 chars (1 sms)     881 views       Love

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When there is a confusion between your heart and mind, don't listen to your mind because mind knows everything but your heart knows only U.
Love is so easy to feel,`so hard to explain.`easy to get,`so hard to let go.`easy to spell,`so hard to define.`yet everyone is still taking the risk
I'v got your back and you've got mine, ill help you out anytime, to see you hurt to see you cry, makes me weep n wonna die, ill be right here till the end cuz ur my love n my bestfriend.
u dnt hav 2 ask f i care. in evry word u say, fil free2tel ur worries & realyz dt im hir..4 now 4 always & 4evr 4u exclusvely…
To meet & depart is the way of life,But to depart & meet is the hope of life.We meet to create memories,But we depart to preserve it….
Love begins with a smile... Endures with happiness... And dies with a tear
Life is a story written by gods hand.. i do not know how you got into my story. but i pray you stay in it, until god writes my last chapter
when all the season will be dry, when all the bird leave the sky, when all friends say u good bye, U will found me there to say hi…
everyone wants 2 be the sun dat lights up your lyf.But I'd rather be ur moon,so I can shine on u during ur darkest hour when ur sun isn't around.
I’m here without you baby but u r still on my lonely mind I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time I’m here without you baby but u r still with me in my dreams And tonight it’s only you and me
A Rose.Say I.Love.You A Smile.Say I.Like.You""A""Ring.Say""I.Marry.You"""BUT"""My.Small.S.M.S""Say""I.Cant.Forget""You"
Love you more than all the stars in the sky. I love you more as each moment passes us by.I love you more with every breath I take. I love you more with each promise we make.