Every little smile

Every little smile
Every little smile can touch somebody"s Heart. May u find 100"s of reason 2 smile & may u be the reason 4 someone else 2 smile always!""

Jan, 13 2012     136 chars (1 sms)     811 views       Friendship

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FRIENDSHIP isn't abt whom U hav known D Longest,who came First or who Cares D Best.It's all abt Who Came & Never Left!
Birds that live in a lake will fly away when the lake dries up. But the lotus in the same lake dies with the lake.Dats d commitment in relationship…
True people never go out from our life easily! But, wen it happens, Dey'll comback at right time witout expectation.
Friendship that flows from the heart cannot be frozen by adversity, as the water that flows from the spring cannot congeal in winter
A simple friend thinks the friendship over when you have an argument. A real friend it’s not a friendship until after you’ve had a fight.
I prayed for a red bike, God gave me blue. I lost my old cap, He gave me new. I asked for a friend who will always be true. I prayed and prayed, till came you.
Life is a 5 STAR. Kind Star is Mother.. Action Star is Father.. Ultimate Star is teacher.. Top Star is lover.. And THE SUPER STAR is Friend..
God has given us two gifts; One is choice & another is chance. Choice is to select a good friend & chance is to have a best one like you.
U know what angels do? They take care of nice people on earth. I told the angels 2 take care of u, she said “NO” U know why? She said angels don’t take care of angels.
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.
F+ Frank in mind R+ Real care I + Ice speech E+ Endless Union N+ Nonstop travel D+ Deep in Heart S+ Sweet memories FRIENDS forever.
Friendship is a diamond, found very rare... & Not autumn leaves, found everywhere!!