When u rise

When u rise
When u rise up, ur friends know who u r!When u fall down, u know who ur friends ARE

Jan, 12 2012     83 chars (1 sms)     754 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Ur SMS is pacemaker of my Heart...Ur miss call is beat of my Heart..Ur call is blood cirulation of my Heart ..So plz keep my Heart Alive...
Najane log khud ko kya samajhte hai,baat naa karo to takrar samajhte hai. ghar se naa niklo to bimaar samajhte hai...aur agar kisi se has ke baat karo to pyaar samajhte hai
The World is Round We’ll meet again. When we meet I’ll ask You “How are You” Hope You’ll not ask “Who are You’!
Sum1 Asked Me 2 Discribe U In 1 Sentence.. . . I Said- "Individual That Makes Place In Others Heart Widout Knocking It"
Words begin with ....A....B....C....Number begin with....1....2....3....Music begin with....SA....RE....GA....BUT....? FRIENDSHIP begins with....''You&Me''
PRAYER is an open line 2 Heaven,no cards 2 use, no low battery problems,no error,no charging,good signal & all mssgs sent are received!KEEP PRAYING GOD LISTENS
No gold or precious stones ... give us happiness & peace, friendship & its warmth ... will bring it 2 us ,
1 rupiya 1 lakh nahi hota,Par fir bhi agar 1 rupiya 1 lakh se nikal jaye to wo lakh nahi rahta,Hum aapki dosti k lakho me wahi 1 rupiya he
There are many sunday, There are many monday but i like only one day, that is friendship day.
Eyes: To look at you; Hands: To pray for you; Mind: To care for u; Heart: To love you and Legs: To kick u if u forget me.
The times we shared is like shooting star... the time is short but really beautiful moments.... Forever engraved in our hearts.... Friends forever~!!!
Though my words are few; my heart is true. Friends I can make new, but none are as sweet as you