Luv is UN-STOPPABLE, Luv is UN-IMAGINABLE, Luv is EMOTIONAL, Luv is DESTINY, Luv is JOY, BUT a FRIEND like U is 1% more then LUV

Jan, 13 2012     128 chars (1 sms)     925 views       Friendship

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tree can start a forest; 1 smile can start a friendship; 1 touch can show u care; 1 friend can make life worth living for.
Did u know tears can b sometime more special then smiles, coz smile can be given 4 everyone but tears are shed 4 only those v don’t want 2 loose.
Weakly 1 day holiday, Monthly 1 day salary day, Yearly 1 day birthday, Lifely 1 day death day But sharing ur friendship is everyday!!
I'm not UR Lover But I Love U.I'm not UR FamilyBut I care 4 U.I'm not In UR Blood relations But I'm ready 2 share UR pain.I'm Just UR frnd.
"FRIEND"means F free from all formalities. R right to say anything. I in anyway. E either good or bad. N no sorry no thanks. D datna pitna Alowd.
When u born there was a heavy rain. . . .Do u know why? B.coz sky &stars crying 4 losing a cute star but i am lucky 2 have dis cute star as my FRIEND.
If u open my heart, guess what you are gonna see? It's you. True friends are hard to find so I kept you.
2 things 4 lifelong friendship.1. Dont talk if u r angry.And2. Dont take d word seriously 4m a friend who is angry.
Todays Special Lunch 4 U.. In The Hotel Of My Heart.. A Boul Of dosti.. A Spoon Of Care.. In The Pot Of Happiness & Dish Being Our FRIENDSHIP..Dont miss..
Days are too Busy; Hours are too Few; Seconds are too Fast, but there is always time for me to ask: How R U? n Hope u r FINE. MISS U!
My heart condition has become so critical that doctors have given me only two options.... I.C.U or U C ME
Relationship is not a rose that lives for a's a tree that grows keep watering the tree daily,with water called * SMS