The Old Year

The Old Year
The Old Year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The New Year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months!

Jan, 20 2012     182 chars (2 sms)     769 views       Occassions > Happy New Year

more Happy New Year SMS Messages

Happy new YearI know its too early,but i hv hundreds of hotties n handsomes 2 wish. So i thought to finish OFF wid Uncles n Aunties first.
I wish U to have a ..... Sweetest Sunday, Marvellous Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Friendly Friday, Successful Saturday. Have a great Year. HAPPY NEW YEAR
Sabke dilo me ho sabke liye pyar,Aanewala har din Laye khushiyo ka tyohar.Is ummid ke saath aao bhul ke sare gum,New Year ka Kare Welcome
A calendar designed for you in NEW YEAR Sweet dreams to brighten spring Smooches to sizzle the summer Warm memories to colour autumn Tight hugs for winter!HAPPY NEW YEAR
New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights.
Sabke Dilo mai ho sabke liye Pyar,Aanewala har din laye Khusiyo ka Towhar,Es ummid ka sath aao bhulke sare Gum New Year ko Hum Sab kare WEL-COME
Here is a wishing that the coming new year is a glorious one that rewards all endeavors with success
"Write Your Sad Times In Water…. Write Your Good Times In Stone" HAPPY NEW YEAR
Nav Varsh ki pawan bela me hai yahi Shubh Sandesh, har Din aaye aap k Jivan me lekar khushiya Vishesh. Happy New Year
There r 3 Ds in life:D-ESIRE,D-ETERMINATION&D-EDICATION.U need all 3 to goAnywhere,Bt it all starts withthe 4th D,"DREAM"So Dream BIG.VrY HappY Nu Yr
Raatko naya Chand MUBARAK,Chandko Chandni Mubarak,Falak ko sitare Mubarak,Aapko aur aapki family ko "" ki tarafse"NAYA SAAL MUBARAK".
Naye Sapne, Naye Apne ! Naye Wade, Nayi Kasme ! Nayi Manzil, Nayi Rah! Nayi Aas, Naya Vishwas ! Kuch Simple, Kuch Khas ! Har Pal Rehna Bindas..HAPPY NEW YEAR