When the mid-nite bell rings tonight... Let it signify new and better things for you, let it signify a realisation of all things you wish for, Let it signify a year of courage and believes, Wishing you a very...very...very prosperious NEW YEAR
gul ne gulshan se gulfam bheja hai, sitaro ne aasma se salam bheja hai, mubarak ho apko naya saal, hum ne advance me ye piagam bheja hai.Happy New Year
A calendar designed for you in NEW YEAR Sweet dreams to brighten spring Smooches to sizzle the summer Warm memories to colour autumn Tight hugs for winter!HAPPY NEW YEAR
Nights are Dark but Days are Light, Nights are Dark but Days are Light, Wish your Life will always be Bright. So my Dear dont get Fear Coz, God Gift us a BRAND NEW YEAR. *HAPPY NEW YEAR*