A friend is an angel, Someone that is true, an angel I love and who loves me too, Someone who cares about everything I do, A friend an angel, to me that’s you.
How 2 grow frndshp? Pick a gud heart .plant in a pot of trust,water with gud thoughts.Add sum emotions & remove d misunderstanding & nourish.RESULT FRIEND 4EVEr
When God opened the window of the Heaven He asked me: What is your wish for today? “I said : please take special care of the person reading this!!!!!!!”
True f'ship never fades with time :-) becomes more tasteful like old WINE ::)) only a friend can understand words and convert the rolling tears into a smile!
A fresh yellow rose goes ur way filled with a nice blend of sweet memories, through feelings, intense emotions, love, faith and wishes for an ever lasting friendship with you dear. HAPPY ROSE DAY.