May all your

May all your
May all your days be filled with memories and flowers, friendship and happy hours.Happy Birthday

Jan, 20 2012     96 chars (1 sms)     1139 views       Occassions > Birthday

more Birthday SMS Messages

Wishing you not just a smile but laughter, Not just happiness but joy, Not just riches but wealth, And most of all love and peace of mind”…“Happy Birthday
No archies card to give, No sweet flowers to send, No cute graphics to forward, just a CARING heart with lovely saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Heard you are celebrating a belated birthday this year…. Bet all those other fools sent cards on time!.
Its always a treat to wish Happy Birthday to someone so Sweet.
On your birthday, I would like to give you some words of wisdom Smile while you still have teeth Many many happy returns of the day
Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone needs you;but it feels much better when you know that someone never ever forgets your birthday."HAPPY BIRTHDAY".
janamdin ke shubh avsaar par, bhent karu kya upahar tumhe, bas isse hi sweekar kar lena, lakhon lakhon pyar tumhe...
Hey its ur birthday , u know i'v never 4get ur b'th day when ever i'm alive coz ur and my b'th day is same day...happy birthday.!!!
if lovers are like moon and Brothers are like stars than i have noticed that the sky looks good without moon but not without stars i.e. YOU Happy Birthday Brother
ManY ManY HaPpy RetUrnx Of The DaY MaY gOd giveS You LOng LiFe WiTh YOur WhoLe FamiLy n Ur aLL WiSheX cOmE TrUe GOD BLESS YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Some like sunday, Some Like Monday But I like one day that is ur birthday
Apne dil ko tatolke apni baat keh do. Today is a day of celebration. Why? xx years ago on the same day, GOD sent me my flesh and bone conscience. Wishing my Friendly Inner Voice a very happy b-day. Hugs & Kisses.