Dont hurt a friend

Dont hurt a friend
Dont hurt a friend who loves you dont make a friend who hurts you sacrifice everything for a friend but dont sacrifice friend for anything

Jan, 13 2012     138 chars (1 sms)     793 views       Friendship

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How 2 grow frndshp? Pick a gud heart .plant in a pot of trust,water with gud thoughts.Add sum emotions & remove d misunderstanding & nourish.RESULT FRIEND 4EVEr
Tears of eyes are valuable speech of lips are powerful heart with love is beautiful life with friends is most wonderful..
Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself, because I like you, you're my friend!!!
Friendship is not something that happens at first sight, it happens when you start knowing each other and in turn endup needing each other. for every feeling, for every thought and for every moment
I'm a cop & u r undr arrest 4 bein wat u r.It's illegal 2 b so sweet & frendly as u r.So i hereby sentence u 2 a lifetime imprisonment in my heart.Case closed.
The World is Round We'll meet again. When we meet I'll ask You "How are You" Hope You'll not ask "Who are You'!
Friends are not a game to play, Friends are not just a Word to say, Friends do not start in March & end in May, “Friends” means yesterday, Today & Forever”.
Many frnds will come in2 life just as rain on earth,but only sum will take D best place like the drop which fortunately bcomes a pearl
A simple friend thinks the friendship over when you have an argument. A real friend it’s not a friendship until after you’ve had a fight.
I'm not Shakespear to write about u...I'm not Sonu to sing about u...I'm not MF Hussain 2 paint u...I'm just ur friend 2 say,I m always with U…
Friends are like street lights along the road,They dont make the distance any shorter. But they light up the paath,And make the walk worth while
Although its quite a statement,Well it happens 2 b true.The best friend i ever had,Im glad 2 say its u.