With every breath

With every breath
With every breath I take, with every song I sing. I think about you, about the love and care. With which you touch my life. Sweetheart... I am missing you a lot! Happy Valentines day!!!

Jan, 19 2012     185 chars (2 sms)     757 views       Occassions > Valentine Day

more Valentine Day SMS Messages

You are the dream in my sleep. you are my vision in my eye. you are my smile on my lips. you are beat of my heart. you are angel in my prayer. you are light of my life. happy valentine’s day dear
Let's share the world. A sea is for you, waves are for me. The sky is for you, stars are for me. Everything is for you, you are for me. Happy Valentine's Day!
Wherever i may go; on valentines day id like to say i care more than you know.
I’m enthralled by your beauty, mesmerized by your charisma and spellbound by your love. No wonder I am always thinking about you. I wish to celebrate every Valentine with you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Love is missing someone whenever you re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you are close in heart. happy valentines day
Luv is like a cloud.luv is like a dreamluv is1wrd nd evrytng in betwnluv is a fairytale come true. Coz I found luv when I found U.HAPPY V DAY
A sweet quotation:"Love is a gift"If u receive it,open & appreciate it..If not, don't worry..Sumone sumwhere is still wrapping it for U..!Happy V'day.
If you were my valentine I’d search the endless skies to find the perfect starlight that would compliment your eyes and keep it in a wishing well created just for you and filled with my desires to make all your dreams come true.
Let love be the guide to your dreams, let love be the light to your heart, let your love be the reason why somebody else’s heart still continues to beat
A word to say, a word to hear Even in ur absence i feel u near R relation is strong..hope it goes long v wil remain d same til d life goes on!
With winters gone and sunshine on i wish you happy valtentine all the year long..!!
Ur precious love has turned my life completely around, I feel lik Im wlaking but my feet dont seem 2 touch d ground..!! Happy Valentine's Day!